Phoenix Nanny Job

Job # 62137
Active Little Kiddos In Flower Mound Need A Nanny

This job has been closed.


Job # 63137: Active Little Kiddos In Flower Mound Need A Nanny (River Hill Dr & Skillern Rd)

Agency Point of Contact for Job # 62137: Gina (720) 464-0678

Message from Dad: My wife has an extremely busy work schedule. She works in downtown Dallas, though she is occasionally able to work from home. She also travels for work a few times per month. She is sometimes home when the children get out of school, but often still has a lot of work to do. I work in Dallas and typically get home between 7pm and 10pm. I am off one weekday each week. Due to our schedules, we are looking for someone who can pick the children up from school, take care of homework, play, baths, bedtime and perhaps dinner. They won't have to do all of these things every night, but these are our general needs on any given night. Our 2 year old is in daycare and our son is in public elementary school, though he attends an extended school day program. As such, both children can be picked up as late as 6:30pm (about a 15-20 minute roundtrip from our house to pick up both kids). However, it is our preference they are picked up closer to 5pm (flexible) to allow time for homework, baths, dinner, etc. We would like somebody who is available 4 nights during the week, and some Saturdays (not necessarily a deal breaker). Light straightening up in the kitchen/living area/kids' rooms if time permits would be helpful. We typically put our 2 year old to bed between 7 and 7:30pm, and our 6 year old around 8:00pm. We have a cat (he is very sweet and gentle) and a bearded dragon lizard (in our son's room). The nanny will not have to concern themselves with caring for the pets.

About the Children:
Our firstborn is a 6-year-old boy. He is very outgoing and loves having new "friends" to play games with. He does very well with babysitters. He does like to have attention and have someone willing to play board games, video games, or "made-up" games with him. However, he also often has stretches of time where he likes to play alone or watch videos, providing a respite to his caregiver. He does well when playing alone and has never been prone to causing mischief when not in his caregiver's sight. He has been diagnosed with ADHD. As such, he can be more emotional than other children when things don't go his way. He is currently taking medication that helps counter his ADHD, though it often wears off by evening and things like dinner time or homework can sometimes be a challenge (though certainly not always). He is also currently seeing an occupational therapist/feeding specialist because he is an extremely picky eater. He primarily eats Campbell's chicken noodle soup or various types of chicken nuggets.

Second child is a 2 year old girl. She is high-energy and super loving. She enjoys everything Disney, as well as reading lots of books. Although she can be contrarian, as is often the case with 2 year olds, she does have a good understanding of right and wrong, as well as consequences, and thus can typically be convinced to correct her behavior without too much effort. Unlike her older brother, if she is out of sight, she has a tendency to get into anything and everything that she shouldn't. As such, keeping a closer eye on her is paramount. Mom's makeup has many times ended up all over the bathroom in what seemed like a flash. That aside, she is a delight. She loves to dance and make a broad array of silly facial expressions to crack herself up.

Their Ideal Nanny: We are looking for somebody who is patient and willing to be very interactive and hands-on with the children. Our son's ADHD can be challenging at times, though he is a very sweet and creative child. He does best when his caregiver is willing to play with him and encourage his creativity. A focus on encouraging the kids to engage in educational activities is also desired. Experience with ADHD is not required.

Our ideal caregiver will also be able to keep up with both children. While our son can be left to his own devices when he desires, our daughter does require closer monitoring, and she has a knack for disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Somebody who is comfortable making dinner for a family will also be ideal. We do not expect gourmet meals, but well-balanced and relatively healthy is a plus. We are also open to something like HelloFresh if the nanny prefers.

Additional Job Details: Some driving may be needed and we have a car for the nanny to use.

** Drug Screening Required for this Position 

Start Date: ASAP

Expected Job Duration: Long term

Is the nanny required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?  Yes

Grocery shopping
Light housekeeping
Cooking for children
Cooking for family - Open for discussion (Can do HelloFresh)

Mon to Thurs 4:30pm to 8:30pm
Saturdays - flexible & negotiable, anywhere from 4 to 8 hours

Compensation: $25 to $30 per hour DOE

Sick Pay
Paid Holidays
Use of Car

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