Preparing Your New Summer Nanny

As summer approaches and school ends, you may be panicking at the thought of filling your children’s days with activities. You want your kids to enjoy their summer break, but maybe you’re not able to spend as much time with them as you’d like. Hiring a summer nanny is a great option. A summer nanny can ensure your children have fun and stay active during their time off from school.
Discuss acceptable summer activities
Think about what you’d prefer your kids do with their summer nanny and which activities are off the table. For example, if you don’t want your children sitting in front of the TV or using their devices during their free time, think of acceptable activities like reading or going to the playground that you’d prefer instead.
Similarly, make sure your nanny is comfortable participating in the activities on your list, especially if they’re not familiar with the area. Are they okay taking your kids to pools, water parks, or the beach? Are they comfortable being on their feet for a long time at museums, the zoo, or at theme parks? Communication is key: get on the same page with your summer nanny from the start.
Put together a schedule
Now that you’ve discussed which activities are acceptable and which aren’t, talk about how your nanny should organize your child’s day. Even if you’re letting the nanny take the lead on scheduling, you can still give them some guidance on what most summer days should look like and what your kids are used to.
For example, if you want your kids to do certain activities or achieve certain goals (like studying or summer reading), let your nanny know, but give them free rein to fill in the rest. Also, remember that every summer day doesn’t have to be rigorously scheduled! Sometimes your child can have a lot of fun and wonderful summer experiences when they have the freedom to run around and play as they like.
Set up playdates
Let your kids make new friends and strengthen existing friendships outside of the boundaries of the classroom. How? Through playdates! Encourage your summer nanny to set up playdates with your children’s friends over the summer. If your nanny is new to the neighborhood, playdates can help them get used to the area.
When the summer heat becomes too harsh and your kids aren’t able to leave the house, a playdate can make everything much lively and fun. Let your summer nanny invite their friend over to do arts and crafts, play make-believe, have a water balloon fight (outside!), play board games, or go camping in the backyard when it cools off.
Get your kids ready
Tell your children ahead of time that they’ll be spending their summer with a nanny so they can prepare themselves. Involve them in meetings with your new summer nanny so they can become accustomed. Before your summer nanny starts full-time, you might plan a day of activities for them and the children to ensure things start off on the right foot.
Find your summer nanny with A Perfect Fit
If day camp is all booked and summer vacation is too short, why not hire a summer nanny to help your kids have fun? Summer nannies are just one of the many services we offer at A Perfect Fit. To learn more about our summer nannies and other services, reach out!