Self-Care and Preventing Nanny Burnout

Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to remind nannies that their health is important. Nannies and other professional caregivers so often put the wellbeing of others first, which is understandable because that’s our job! However, you have to devote a little time to your own health and wellbeing too. You can’t give 100% to others at work if your mental, physical, or emotional health isn’t at its best.
That’s why we’re talking about nanny burnout and self-care today; namely, how to recognize signs of burnout and how to prevent it with regular self-care.
What is nanny burnout?
“Burnout” is a state of chronic stress that leads to exhaustion, emotional detachment, and feelings of helplessness or lack of accomplishment. For nannies, burnout can happen because of long hours, unclear employer expectations, unfair or insufficient pay, feeling out of control, and stressors in your personal life.
Burnout doesn’t happen suddenly. It creeps up on you slowly, making it easy to ignore and harder to recognize. There are symptoms you can stay alert for, however.
Signs you’re experiencing burnout
Nanny burnout in particular can feel so intense because you’re emotionally involved with the children you’re caring for. Though the signs of burnout can manifest in various ways between different nannies, some common symptoms include:
- Loss of interest in work
- Changing sleep habits
- Mood swings
- Frequent illness
- Symptoms of anxiety or depression
- Lack of energy or fatigue
- Impaired focus and concentration
- Loss of appetite
- Poor work performance
If you’re experiencing some of these symptoms, you should take a step back and assess your role as a nanny. Figure out what’s causing your stress and how it can be improved. Is it your role or relationship with your employer? Set a meeting to talk about defining boundaries, increasing pay, or planning better communication. Are you feeling too emotionally invested in your job? Try to leave work at work, and lean on your support system when you need to. It’s okay to ask for help.
Work stress is affecting your health, and it will get worse if you don’t take steps to improve it. Change can be scary and difficult, but making them now is easier than letting burnout get worse.
How to practice self-care as a nanny
To prevent nanny burnout and keep yourself in good health, have a self-care routine. Self-care is not simply enjoying your days off from work. It’s an intentional decision to maintain your overall health and wellness by doing something you enjoy.
Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or luxurious. In fact, having little everyday things that bring you satisfaction and joy can make regular self-care even easier.
If you’re stumped for self-care ideas, try:
- Going for a walk outside
- Meditating
- Taking a nap
- Decluttering
- Listening to your favorite podcast or music
- Journaling
- Reading a book
- Writing down what you’re thankful for
- Exercising
- Taking a bubble bath
- Stretching
- Trying a new hobby
- Unplugging
- Doing absolutely nothing
It’s not how you practice self-care that’s important. What’s most important is that you take the time to check in with yourself, decompress, and recharge.
A Perfect Fit can help
Sometimes, bouncing back from nanny burnout requires finding a new employer. If you’re in that situation and you’re hoping to find the perfect family in Phoenix, Dallas, or Denver, join A Perfect Fit. Every nanny-family match is personalized and carefully considered. Plus, we give our nannies the tools they need to find success with their new families. Learn more about A Perfect Fit’s nanny application process today!