
Planning Holiday Schedules With Your Nanny

Nanny care services

The holiday season is coming up fast! Before you know it, you and your family will be busy with get-togethers, office parties, shopping for presents, or hosting out-of-towners in your home. All the holiday commotion can be stressful for everyone involved, and even more so if you have to rush or finish things last minute. 

Before we get too deep into the holidays, take some time to sit down with your nanny and plan holiday schedules and tasks. Your nanny may already be wondering if you need help with things like holiday shopping, gift wrapping, or decorating, or if there are special events they’ll need to get the kids ready for. 

That’s why we highly recommend that you figure out the details ahead of time so you can truly enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Talk about how both of you celebrate the holidays

First off, it’s important to think about what sort of help you need from your nanny. Should you involve your nanny in your family’s holiday festivities? How do you deal with different holiday customs or religious beliefs? 

The answers to these questions can get a little muddled, and it might feel uncomfortable bringing them up with a new nanny. However, it’s a good icebreaker to start your holiday planning conversation. You might even find that you feel closer to your nanny after talking about faith or family traditions.

Remember to keep things professional, and try to be understanding of your nanny’s feelings or practices if they’re a bit different from yours. If you’d rather celebrate the holidays with your family privately, you can talk about giving him or her a paid day off, as well as planning a special holiday party of their own to celebrate with the kids. Remember to talk about traditions you find acceptable for the children, like giving gifts, enjoying special holiday meals or treats, or talking about customs or religion. Discussing this in advance will prevent some awkward situations later.

Discuss extra duties you need your nanny to take on

It’s also easy to forget to communicate during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Talking about your expectations ahead of time with your nanny can prevent miscommunication and frustration.

Discuss common holiday tasks with your nanny, such as:

  • Shopping for gifts
  • Wrapping gifts
  • Putting up holiday decorations
  • Cleaning, setting up, or preparing for hosting holiday parties
  • Cleaning, setting up, or preparing for out-of-town guests
  • Helping cook holiday meals
  • Changes in daycare or school schedules
  • Caring for the kids during special events like office parties

It might be helpful to make a holiday calendar that lists tasks or special events. You can share calendars on a smartphone app, or include a physical calendar in the home that keeps everyone on the same page.

Don’t forget about holiday pay, time off, and gifts

Paid holidays or holiday pay should already be included in the employment contract you offered your nanny, so you and your nanny will need to plan for time off during the holidays as well. Remember that it’s standard for the industry to pay time-and-a-half or double time when working on holidays, or you can give your nanny a paid holiday off from work. 

As for gifts, about 60% of families give their nannies an end-of-year bonus to show their appreciation. The bonus amount can vary widely, but a general rule of thumb is the equivalent of one to two week’s salary. If you prefer to give a personal gift rather than cash, consider your nanny’s hobbies or personality. If he or she travels to visit family, an airline voucher would be thoughtful. If you know your nanny loves to read or watch movies, maybe you can gift movie tickets or a new book. Of course, gift cards to places like salons, restaurants, or coffee shops are good ideas, too. You might also encourage your kids to make or think of their own gift to give to their nanny.

Plan ahead

The main thing to remember? Be honest and proactive with your nanny. Discuss your holiday plans and expectations so everyone can enjoy a stress-free holiday season!
Looking for a little extra help for the upcoming holidays? A Perfect Fit can match you with a qualified, skilled professional in Phoenix, Dallas, and Denver. Learn more about our matching process on the Perfect Fit website, or get in touch with your questions!

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