When you hire a nanny, you’re adding someone to your family. It may seem like a reason to keep the interview and hiring process more casual. After all, the nanny-employer relationship can be more vulnerable and emotional than traditional professional relationships. Why treat the hiring process like a regular job […]
Ready to find a new nanny job? Nailing interviews is definitely an important part of the recruitment process, but that’s not all there is to it. There are a few steps that many nannies easily overlook during their job search. Remember to take care of these tasks before you start […]
In this blog, we’ll explain why nanny check-ins are important, and how you can embrace them as part of your working relationship with your nanny.
Navigating holiday time off and pay with your nanny is important. Here’s how to plan ahead and communicate with your nanny about time off and pay.
Before the holidays arrive, take time to plan holiday schedules with your nanny. This way, you can enjoy the holidays with family (and so can your nanny!).
Do you need a nanny? A newborn care specialist? A household manager? Here, we break down common childcare professionals to help you find the perfect fit.
We’re committed to working with nannies so they find “a perfect fit” with a family! See why nannies should work with a nanny agency (and how to get started).