Juggling your family, job, housework, date night, and self-care is a seemingly impossible task. Finding the right childcare can lighten your load, making everything more manageable. Because every family’s needs are different, you want to make sure you hire the right kind of caregiver for your family. While it’s a […]
childcare professionals
*Disclaimer: The information provided in this article does not constitute legal advice. Always be sure to check with a local attorney on the laws in your specific state before installing nanny cams in your home. Even when you’ve carefully vetted a nanny, babysitter, or caregiver, there’s always a sense of […]
A Perfect Fit has exciting news… Starting October 1, we’ll offer our services in a NEW location: the South Florida/Miami area! The team at A Perfect Fit is so excited for this new part of our journey. We’ve put together some questions and answers about our new location below. Why […]
Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to remind nannies that their health is important. Nannies and other professional caregivers so often put the wellbeing of others first, which is understandable because that’s our job! However, you have to devote a little time to your own health and […]
Having fun with the kiddos in Dallas doesn’t have to be expensive! Our city is brimming with fun, educational, and free activities that kids can enjoy. From museums to city attractions to parks and more, nannies can find plenty to do with the kids in Dallas. Play at Klyde Warren […]
Do you want your child to learn a second language? Consider hiring a bilingual nanny! Studies have shown that learning a second language at a young age is good for the brain. How exactly can a bilingual nanny help your child learn a second language? We talk about the benefits […]
Do you need a nanny? A newborn care specialist? A household manager? Here, we break down common childcare professionals to help you find the perfect fit.